Privacy Policy
Before using the www.Workpass.co.uk Web Site, you should note the following points.
DEFINITIONS: "Register": When you use the login and security items provided by Workpass to access and use this site, we will deem you to have registered. "Web Browser": Runs on the User's PC and requests information from any Web Server on the World Wide Web. "Web Server": Based on requests from the Web Browser, the Web Server returns pages of information to be viewed by the user on his/her own PC. "Cookies": A file stored on the User's PC by the Web Browser as requested by the Web Server. This file is transmitted to the Web Server each time the Web Browser requests information from the Web Server and is used as a means of customizing web pages and facilitating use of the web site.
POLICY: In order to deliver an effective service to you it is necessary for Workpass to store personal information about you and/or your Company and/or your employees and/or your customers and/or your potential employees.
If you use the Workpass site either as a Recruitment Agency (having registered), an Employer (having registered), or a prospective Candidate or Referee (in order to supply details for assessment purposes) then we will treat all information supplied to us in accordance with this document.
Workpass may pass your personal information to other organisations for the purposes of carrying out the CV Verification and Background Screening Services only. We will not pass on any details supplied to any other organisation without your express permission.
If you visit the Workpass site, having been introduced to Workpass by a third party site, then information supplied by you to us may be passed on to the relevant third party only.
Our privacy policy does not extend to any third party sites that you might visit via the Workpass.co.uk site, or be directed to the Workpass.co.uk site from.
The site will use Cookies for storing user information to permit us to identify you when you re-visit the site.
All necessary information supplied to Workpass will be processed and stored on a secure server and may be used during future visits to the site to facilitate easy repeated use. The transaction process will use data encrypted using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session encrypted to the highest level available to your browser.
Note that some older versions of Web Browsers do not support this facility. Therefore you should ensure that the Web Browser you will use supports SSL.
We will use e-mail for the following purposes only
1.) to keep you updated on any current service specific to you or your Company and undertaken at your request
2.) to keep you up to date with changes to the current services that are offered.
3.) to keep you informed of selected products and services available from Workpass and our carefully chosen suppliers (we may also contact you by telephone or post). If you do not want to receive this secondary information please let us know by contacting customer services by telephone or e-mail. Any e-mail transmitted to you and carrying such information will also indicate a procedure to stop all such future contact.
All storage, use and transmission of personal information relating to an individual or a Company is subject to the 1998 Data Protection Act. You can obtain a copy of all the details held by applying in writing, enclosing an administration fee of £10, made payable to Workpass Limited, to the following address:
WorkPass Customer Service
WorkPass Limited
5 Franklin Court
Priory Business Park
MK44 3JZ
United Kingdom