Security and Data Protection

We are dedicated to protecting the personal information about employees that our clients trust us with. The information given to us is highly confidential and we make sure that only authorised people have access to it.
We’re committed to making sure that this information is not lost, misused or altered in any way. We store all the information we collect securely and only use it to provide our services to you. We use secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol for all information we send or receive. This means that the information sent to us is protected by encryption (in other words, the information is converted into a code), so it can’t be read or altered by anyone else. We also use passwords and other access codes for extra security.
- prevent anyone hacking into our system and
- protect the information we hold on our computers, databases and other networks.
We have detailed emergency plans in place in case of a fire, flood or power cut, and we take great care to make sure that our premises are as safe as possible from any such event.
We understand that security is extremely important to our clients and we are happy for you to carry out your own security checks at any stage.
